Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I love Avrie

I have the cutest daughter ever. She takes such good care of me. If you didn't know I am a diabetic and when I get sick, I get sick. Two days ago Avrie got the 24 hour flu. She threw up all night long. She is so tough, she never complains. One time when she was throwing up she stopped right in the middle of it and remembered she had a present for me that her and her Grandma Linda had wrapped earlier. She had to go get it to give to me. She handed it to me and said hold on. She finished throwing up and said ok you can open it now. Ha ha it was a little book with primary songs. Anyways, I caught the flu from her. It hit really bad at about 2:00 when I was at work. I came home and laid down. That is when Kevin and Avrie set in. I didn't start throwing up until 6:00 and when I did Avrie brought in a table and made Kevin make me soup and brought me in a diet pepsi, a cold rag, my insulin and sugar tester, a book, my cell phone (she said if you need me to I will call 911), tweezers ha ha, and asked me if I needed a massage. A few hours later I was getting way worse and she came in and said how about a prayer. Part of her prayer consisted of - Heavenly Father please bless my Mom and Grandma Linda (who got the flu too) to get better, they are great women they shouldn't be sick. It was so cute. She also said if she gets better I promise I will take her to McDonalds. So cute. She got one of those syringes that you give infants medicine with and was feeding me water. She kept bringing me in different things and asking where I wanted them. When I felt half decent this morning I came out of my room and she had cleaned my house for me. I love her. I feel so much better now. It was really scary last night. At one point I threw up 16 times in one hour. I was on the phone with the nurses from the ER all night. Kevin was on the internet trying to figure out different ways to hydrate me. I have been in the hospital before for this, but we got through it. He was so proud of me. From yesterday morning to this morning I lost 17 pounds. Crazy! It will all be back tomorrow no worries. I am just praying for a cure for diabetes. For now I am so thankful for such a wonderful husband and daughter. They are the best!


Nicki Swilor said...

That brought tears to my eyes. Mostly happy tears at how stinking sweet Avrie is! She is THE BEST! Give her a hug for me and tell her I love her for taking care of my sister! I love you so much and I''m so glad you're ok. Get some rest. Don't work to hard!!! Give yourself a big hug from me to! I LOVE YOU! I pray for a cure always!!!

shelley said...

I hate diabetes!!! But I love you and Avrie and Kevin. I'm so glad they were there to take care of you. I hate being so far away but you know you can call me ANY time and I would be there as fast as I could! It sounds like you were in good hands with Avrie's big heart and prayers. She is so sweet! Now it's time for prayers of thanks! I'm so glad you are feeling better! You are so blessed and lucky to have such a sweet family. Have a group hug for me! Love you lots! Thanks for blogging. I can never get enough cute Avrie stories! XOXO

Camille said...

How sweet are our kids! We are so blessed to have them! I just have to tell you that one time my kids made me breakfast in bed, which consisted of burnt hash browns & toast and runny scrambled eggs!!! :) BUT! I ate every bite because they had made it with LOVE! Avrie is a lucky lil' girl, but are YOU!

Curtis~Kali~Jaxton~Boston said...

Averie is so cute! She is such a sweet little girl. I'm glad that you are blogging now. It's fun to beable to see what other people are doing in their lives and especially to beable to hear such cute stories.

Sam and Mandy Noel said...

Ashley, I am so glad you have posted so much! And so glad that you have such an amazing little daughter and husband that takes good care of you. I swear how do you do it? You are amazing! I hope I am half the mom you are. Hang in there and please quit getting sick. I'm so proud you made it through it without going to the hospital though. LOVE YOU!!!